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Thank you for taking a moment to review our policies. If you have additional questions, please don't hesitate to check out our FAQ page and/or contact us at 708-704-1716 (call / text) or For registered students, these policies can also be found on your Sawyer profile.

Makeup Classes

In order to be eligible to make up a missed class, we do require that we learn of your child's absence prior to the absence (even if it's the morning of).


We offer an online make-up class request form, and please note that you are welcome to fill out this form prior to your absence if you know of an upcoming conflict / vacation, etc. The more notice we have, the better! 😊 (This form can be found under the Current Students tab on the website.) 


If you are informing us of an absence but are not yet ready to schedule a make-up class, please contact Ms. Clara @ or (708) 704-1716 (call / text) to inform us of the absence. 


Makeup classes must be scheduled and attended during a student's current enrollment. If a student discontinues classes before making up missed classes, all remaining  makeup classes are forfeited. No refunds or credits are given for missed classes.


Makeup classes are accommodated whenever possible, but are not guaranteed as our class maximums are strictly enforced for safety reasons.

Sibling Policy

Siblings between 6 months and 5 years must be registered if they attend class regularly. Reduced tuition may apply. You may contact us at or (708) 704-1716 for more information.

Additional Caregiver Policy

Families are welcome to have up to two caregivers per child attend class. If you anticipate having more than two adults in attendance (ex: visiting grandparents), please call, text, or email us in advance so that we can make sure we do not overcrowd the the classroom.

Sick Policy

We ask that you and your child do not attend class if anyone in the household has experienced cold or flu-like symptoms within the last 24 hours, including but not limited to fever, runny nose, cough, vomiting, etc. Makeup classes are available should you need to miss class. 

In the unlikely event that your child's class has a Covid-19 exposure, classes will be moved to a virtual platform for 1 week. No refunds or class credits are offered under these circumstances. 

Weather / Illness Cancellations

​In the rare event that a teacher needs to miss a class, we will do our best to provide a substitute teacher. If a sub is unavailable, we will cancel class with as much notice as possible and schedule a makeup during one of our breaks. In the case of extreme weather that requires us to close, we will offer the classes virtually for that particular day.

Payment Policy

Every student is here on a month-to-month basis, and classes meet once a week. Monthly tuition starts at $77  per month, and all payments are processed by pre-authorized credit or debit cards on the first of each month. 

Monthly tuition is based on a 45 week year with an average of just under 4 classes/month. We are closed for 7 weeks for various holidays. In the long months, you will get five classes, shorter months, you will get three classes, and most months you will get four classes. This is not affected by the day of the week you attend class, and tuition is the SAME each month; i.e. we don’t charge you more when you have five classes, and we don’t charge you less when you have three classes in a month. 

There is a $20 registration fee due ONLY at the time of registration. Tuition is automatically prorated if you join mid-month, but is not prorated for subsequent absences. 

Tuition for the Munchkin, Mini, and Merry Maestros classes  includes a custom illustrated lyric coloring booklet as well as online streaming access to all songs for each season.

Discontinuing Classes

To discontinue classes and to discontinue charges to your account, contact Clara D’Onofrio by phone or email by the 15th of your last month to request an online Withdrawal Form. We do not prorate tuition for the last month’s lessons, and no refunds are given for any remaining unused classes. Any cancellation requests made after 11:59 PM on the 15th will be charged one final month, regardless of whether or not classes are attended. 708-704-1716 (call / text);

Mini Musicians (BAMM) logo.jpg

Early childhood music and movement academy for children from 4 months – 6 years.

Contact us

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Virtual Office Hours

(Phone, Text, Email)

Monday: 9 AM - 6 PM

Tuesday: 9 AM - 6 PM

Wednesday: 9 AM - 6 PM

Thursday: 9 AM - 6 PM

Friday: 9 AM - 6 PM

Saturday: 8:30 AM - 3 PM

Sunday: 8:30 AM - 3 PM

Copyright © Brookfield Academy for Mini Musicians

All Images & text property of Brookfield Academy for Mini Musicians

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